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北京托福考点 | 北京外交人员服务局托福、GRE考点考生入场须知


  北京托福考点入场有哪些要求?就这个问题说客英语的托福考试栏目更新北京外交人员服务局考点进场要求,各位在北京外交人员服务局 参考的托福考生请注意遵守要求:




  1. 考生要做好自己健康的第一责任人。备考期间,尽量减少不必要的外出、聚集和人员接触,规范佩戴口罩,做好防护。

  2. 务必携带与报名一致且有效的身份证件原件,以及纸质版考试确认信。

  3. 考试期间不强制要求佩戴口罩。考生可根据个人健康状况和意愿选择是否佩戴口罩。若出现发热、干咳、咽痛等症状时,应佩戴医用外科口罩。如出现新冠疫情流行,考生必须全程规范佩戴医用外科口罩或以上级别的口罩,仅允许在照相及身份验证时摘下口罩。

  4. 考生在候考、离场期间须保持一米社交距离,同时听从监考老师指令,有序错峰入场、离场。

  5. 考试地点:北京市朝阳区三里屯西六街3号5层。





  Notice to Candidates at STN80111

  (Updatedon 16 March 2023)

  In accordance with the national and regional policies on the COVID-19 containment, our test center hereby formulates the regulation as follows. All candidates at STN80111 are required to read the regulation carefully and comply with it.

  1. Candidates are responsible for your own health. While preparing for the test, decreasethe number of unnecessary outing, gathering and contacts with people as much as possible. Properly wear masks and protect yourself from Covid-19.

  2. All candidates are required to present original and valid ID documents to test. ID information should be exactly matched with the registration. Candidates are also required to bring paper-based admission tickets to the test venue.

  3. It is not compulsory for candidates to wear masks during the test. Candidates may decide to wear masks or not based on their health conditions and willingness. If candidates have symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat, they are required to wear disposable medical masks. During the Covid-19 pandemic, candidates are required to properly wear disposable medical masks or N95 respirators from entering the venue and are only allowed to take off masks when taking photos and verifying identity.

  4. Candidates shall keep one-meter distance between each other in the waiting room and leaving the venue. To avoid crowdedness, candidates should enter and leave the venue in an orderly manner and follow the instructions of the invigilators.

  5. Test Venue: Floor 5, 3 Sanlitun Xiliujie Street, Beijing.

  We shall keep you updating if there is any change of the regulation. For further inquiries, contact us at 010-65324301.


  Beijing Service Bureau for Diplomatic Missions

  TOEFL / GRE Test Center (STN80111)

  16 March 2023

