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  2024年8.17雅思阅读真题第一题为“Back to wild 野生马保护”,以下为详细的雅思真题以及答案:

  2024年8.17雅思阅读真题题目:Back to wild

  The Przewalski Horse is the last wild horse. The horse is named afterthe Russian colonel Nikolai Przhevalsky (the name is of Polish originand "Przewalski" is the Polish spelling). He was the explorer andnaturalist who first described the horse in 1881, after having gone onan expedition to find it, based on rumors of its existence. Many othese horses were captured around 1900 by Carl Hagebeck andplaced in zoos. As noted above, about twelve to fifteen reproducedand formed today's population.

  The World Wild Fund is supporting the Przewalski Horse projectPrzewalski's horses, named after the Russian explorer who firsdescribed them scientifically, Nikolai Przewalski, were once nativeto China and travelled freely across the wilds of the Eurasian steppecovering Russia, Mongolia, and Eurasia. But they were driven to thebrink of extinction after Przewalski's 19th-century discovery of thespecies led to an increase in their appeal. Many were killed orcaptured and taken to zoos across the world, while others weredisplaced by human land use. Ofthe 2,000 Przewalski's horses left inthe world today, only 300 live in the wild, having been part ofreintroduction programmes first.

  Colonel Nilokai Przewalski identified different kind of the horse byusing the bone and skins of the horse. They are very difficult to catchand there are only a few that exist in the zoo.

  A scientist named Feh first put the horse in a zoo, and then sent themback to the wild, The Causse Mejan landscape in France is quitesimilar from that in Mongolia where the horse used to live. He spent6000hours to do the experiment, to change the nature of thePrzewalski horse to attack and fight other horse species. Then Fehtook the horse to Mongolia to roam in an area of 13000 hectaresgrassland once the horse used to live. Feh's project is also known as“Wild Horse Mesh”

  There are 37 Przewalski Horse in the project, and they are served asgenetic reservoir if their species is under threat of extinction. Thereare three group of the Przewalski horse in the plan which has beenreestablished by Feh.

  If Przewalski's horses breed with domestic horses, they producefertile hybrids, which has the potential to quickly adulterate thespecies and undo the work of the project. So, organisers have decidedfirst to place the horses in a fenced-off area to stabilise thepopulation and fend off the risk of losing their gene pool

  declined in the 20th century due to aThe native populationcombination of factors, with the wild population in Mongolia dyingout in the 1960s. The last herd was sighted in 1967 and the lastindividual horse in 1969.Expeditions after this failed to locate anyhorses, and the species had been designated "extinct in the wild" forover 30 years.

  After 1945 only two captive populations in zoos remained, inMunich and in Prague. The most valuable group, in Askania Nova,Ukraine, was shot by German soldiers during World War Twooccupation, and the group in the United States had died out.Competition with livestock, hunting, capture of foals for zoologicalcollections, military activities, and harsh winters recorded in 19451948 and 1956 are considered to be the main causes of the decline inthe Przewalski's horse population. By the end of the 1950s, only 12individual Przewalski's horses were left in the world

  The species is being reintroduced to their original habitat after 20years of extinction in the wild.20years of the horse being extinct inthe wild as a result of hunting, capture and habitat loss. The declineof pasture in Mongolia is mainly because of grazing pressure. Thescientists are now discussing with the local people about the horseand protect them together.

  Ouestions 1-4 T/F/NG

  1. The organization WWF (World Wild Fund)is supporting HorseProject around the world.


  2. Colonel Nilokai Przewalski identified the different species of thehorse by experiment oflive animals.


  3. It is difficult for zoos to acquire Prezewalski Horse.


  4. The CausseMejan landscape in France is different from that inMongolia where the horse used to live.


  Questions 5-9

  Save the Przewalski Horse

  5. Since the year of________, you can only see the Przewalski Horse at Z00S.

  6. A scientist named Feh choose eleven horse to live in Francebecause of their________.

  7. Feh spend________to make the aggressive nature of the Przewalski Horse change

  8. Feh's herd was released to Mongolia to walk freely in an area of________ land

  9.Feh's project was known as ________.

  Questions 10-13 short answer questions NO MORETHANTHREE WORDS

  10. What can the herd 37 Przewalski Horse provide if their species isunder the risk of dying out?

  11. What cause the loss of pasture in Mongolia?

  12.How many group of the Przewalski Horse does Feh havereestablished in the plan?

  13. In contrast with Feh, what do other scientists prefer to focus on inthe study ofhuman and animal behavior?



  5-9:1876、genetic compatibility、6000 hours、f13.000 hectares、Wild Horse Mesh

  10-13:Genetic reservoir、Grazing pressure、Three、Studies of competition
