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成人英语培训 | 50句出国旅游机场常用英语口语

  1. Can I see your passport, please?(请出示您的护照。)

  2. Where is the check-in counter for international flights?(国际航班的值机柜台在哪里?)

  3. How much baggage am I allowed to carry?(我可以携带多少行李?)

  4. Is there a weight limit for checked luggage?(托运行李有重量限制吗?)

  5. Do I need to go through security screening?(我需要经过安全检查吗?)

  6. What gate does my flight depart from?(我的航班从哪个登机口出发?)

  7. Is there free Wi-Fi at the airport?(机场有免费Wi-Fi吗?)

  8. Can I have a window seat, please?(请给我一个靠窗座位。)

  9. Is there a duty-free shop in the departure area?(出发区有免税商店吗?)

  10. Excuse me, where can I exchange currency?(对不起,请问我可以在哪里换外币?)

  11. Is there a shuttle bus to the city center?(有去市中心的接驳车吗?)

  12. How long will the flight be delayed?(航班延误多久?)

  13. Can I have a boarding pass, please?(请给我一张登机牌。)

  14. Is there a direct flight to New York?(有直飞纽约的航班吗?)

  15. Where can I find a taxi?(我可以在哪里找到出租车?)

  16. Is there a restaurant in the airport?(机场里有餐厅吗?)

  17. Can I bring my pet on the flight?(我能带宠物乘坐飞机吗?)

  18. What time should I arrive at the boarding gate?(我应该在登机口到达时间是什么时候?)

  19. How much is the excess baggage fee?(超重行李费用多少?)

  20. Are there any restrictions on carry-on liquids?(随身携带液体有限制吗?)

  21. Excuse me, where is the restroom?(对不起,请问洗手间在哪里?)

  22. Do I need to fill out a customs declaration form?(我需要填写海关申报表吗?)

  23. Can I get a refund for my ticket?(我的机票可以退款吗?)

  24. Is there a lost and found office in the airport?(机场里有失物招领办公室吗?)

  25. What time does the last flight depart?(最后一班航班几点离开?)

  26. Can I use my mobile phone during the flight?(飞行期间我可以使用手机吗?)

  27. Is there a place to store my luggage?(有地方存放我的行李吗?)

  28. Excuse me, is there an ATM nearby?(对不起,请问附近有ATM机吗?)

  29. Can I request a vegetarian meal on the flight?(我可以要求在飞行途中提供素食餐吗?)

  30. Is there a lounge for business class passengers?(有专门为商务舱乘客准备的休息室吗?)

  31. Can I change my seat assignment?(我可以更换座位吗?)

  32. What is the boarding time for my flight?(我的航班登机时间是什么时候?)

  33. Do I need to go through immigration before my connecting flight?(在转机前需要经过出入境检查吗?)

  34. How can I claim my checked baggage?(我应该如何领取托运行李?)

  35. Excuse me, is this the line for international flights?(对不起,请问这是国际航班的排队区吗?)

  36. Can I pre-order duty-free items online?(我可以提前在网上预订免税商品吗?)

  37. Are there any restrictions on carrying food items?(携带食品有限制吗?)

  38. Is there a children's play area in the airport?(机场里有儿童游乐区吗?)

  39. Can I request a wheelchair assistance?(我可以要求提供轮椅协助吗?)

  40. What documents do I need to present at the passport control?(我需要在护照管制处出示哪些文件?)

  41. Is there a smoking area in the airport?(机场里有吸烟区吗?)

  42. Can I book a rental car at the airport?(我可以在机场预订租车吗?)

  43. Is there a medical center in the airport?(机场里有医疗中心吗?)

  44. Excuse me, can you help me with this luggage?(对不起,你能帮我拿这个行李吗?)

  45. How much time do I need to transfer between flights?(转机需要多长时间?)

  46. Can I bring my own headphones for the in-flight entertainment?(我可以自带耳机用于飞行娱乐吗?)

  47. Is there a place to charge my electronic devices?(有地方给我的电子设备充电吗?)

  48. Excuse me, where can I get a taxi receipt?(对不起,请问我可以在哪里得到出租车发票?)

  49. Can I check in online for my flight?(我可以在线办理航班登记手续吗?)

  50. What is the local time at my destination?(我目的地的当地时间是多少?)
